Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wow, time for an update!

Well, the last time I blogged I was happy to share the news of my new job....6 weeks in I was made redundant :(  I was sooooo happy there, and the other staff and the boss were great!  However, business wasn't doing well and myself and the other newest member of the team had to be laid off. 
I'm back job hunting, but it has got me thinking.... this year, between my seasonal job and the new job, I had been working full time hours, which is busy when you're a mum too, and even more busy when you've got so many animals and several plots of land to look after!!!! 
I would love to not need the money, but bills to pay and all that....But, what if....what if we did it, what if we just went for it, and converted a bus or a trailer, or got a boat, there would be no mortgage, no utility bills (self sufficient), even the council tax would be minimal as we'd be living as gypsies on our own agricultural land.  Oh I wish I was brave enough to just jump right into the adventure rather than being sooooo cautious and unsure!

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